In the world of AI-assisted programming, the ability to craft an effective prompt is becoming an increasingly valuable skill. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, learning how to communicate clearly with AI code generation tools can significantly boost your productivity and the quality of your output. This guide will walk you through the essential elements of creating high-quality prompts for code generation, with a focus on using the Parrot service.

Why Quality Prompts Matter

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s consider why investing time in crafting quality prompts is crucial:

  1. Accuracy: Well-constructed prompts lead to more accurate and relevant code suggestions.
  2. Efficiency: Clear prompts reduce the need for multiple iterations, saving you time and effort.
  3. Learning: The process of creating detailed prompts can deepen your understanding of the problem you’re trying to solve.
  4. Consistency: Good prompts help maintain consistency across your codebase, especially when working in teams.

Now, let’s explore the key components of an effective prompt for code generation.

1. Use Proper Spelling and Grammar

While AI models are often forgiving of minor linguistic errors, using correct spelling and grammar in your prompts is crucial for several reasons:

  • Clarity: Proper language use ensures your intentions are clearly communicated.
  • Precision: Correct terminology avoids ambiguity in technical contexts.
  • Professionalism: Well-written prompts reflect attention to detail, a valued trait in programming.


Poor prompt:

make function that calculates the sum of too numbers

Improved prompt:

Create a function that calculates the sum of two numbers.

The improved version eliminates spelling errors and uses proper sentence structure, making the request clearer and more professional.

2. Provide Code Samples for Context

Including relevant code snippets in your prompt can provide valuable context and help the AI understand your specific needs. This is especially useful when:

  • Working within an existing codebase
  • Maintaining a particular coding style
  • Dealing with complex or unique scenarios


Without context:

Write a function to sort an array of objects by a specific property.

With context:

I have an array of user objects with the following structure:

const users = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 30, role: "Developer" },
  { name: "Bob", age: 25, role: "Designer" },
  { name: "Charlie", age: 35, role: "Manager" }

Write a function to sort this array by the 'age' property in ascending order.

The second prompt provides clear context, making it easier for the AI to generate code that fits seamlessly into your existing project.

3. Be as Detailed as Possible

The more specific and detailed your prompt, the better the AI can tailor its response to your needs. Include information such as:

  • Desired functionality
  • Input and output expectations
  • Edge cases to handle
  • Performance considerations
  • Coding style preferences


Basic prompt:

Create a function to validate an email address.

Detailed prompt:

Create a function named 'validateEmail' that takes a string as input and returns a boolean indicating whether the input is a valid email address. The function should:

1. Check for the presence of exactly one '@' symbol.
2. Ensure there's at least one character before the '@'.
3. Verify that there's at least one character between '@' and the last '.'.
4. Confirm that there are at least two characters after the last '.'.
5. Allow only alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, and hyphens.
6. Be case-insensitive.

Please include comments explaining the regex pattern used, if applicable. The function should be optimized for performance, as it will be called frequently in a high-traffic web application.

The detailed prompt provides a clear roadmap for the AI, resulting in a more accurate and tailored function.

4. Specify the Programming Language and Version

If you’re using Parrot, this can be handled automatically via Rule Sets.

Always mention the programming language and, when relevant, the specific version you’re working with. This ensures that the generated code is compatible with your development environment.


Using Python 3.9, create a class that implements a binary search tree with methods for insertion, deletion, and in-order traversal.

5. Mention Relevant Libraries or Frameworks

If your project uses specific libraries or frameworks, include this information in your prompt. This helps the AI generate code that integrates well with your existing setup.


Using React 18 and the 'react-router-dom' library, create a component for a navigation menu that highlights the current active route.

6. Request Error Handling and Input Validation

Explicitly ask for error handling and input validation to ensure the generated code is robust and secure.


Write a Python function that reads a CSV file and returns its contents as a list of dictionaries. Include error handling for file not found, permission issues, and malformed CSV data. Validate that the input file path has a .csv extension.

7. Ask for Documentation and Comments

If you’re using Parrot, documentation and example usage are generated for you, automatically.

To improve code readability and maintainability, request inline comments and function documentation.


Create a JavaScript function to implement the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm for an array. Include JSDoc comments for the function and inline comments explaining key steps of the algorithm.

8. Specify Performance Requirements

If your use case has specific performance needs, communicate these in your prompt.


Implement a function in C++ to find the nth Fibonacci number. The solution should have a time complexity of O(log n) and use tail-call optimization if possible.

9. Request Test Cases

Asking for test cases can help ensure the generated code meets your requirements and handles edge cases correctly.


Write a Python function that determines if a given year is a leap year. Include unit tests that cover regular years, leap years, century years, and the year 2000 edge case.

10. Utilize Parrot’s Rule Sets Feature

Parrot’s Rule Sets feature allows you to define coding preferences that are automatically applied to generated code. This can include:

  • Indentation style (spaces vs. tabs)
  • Naming conventions (camelCase, snake_case, etc.)
  • Maximum line length
  • Comment style preferences
  • Use of specific language features or idioms

By setting up and referencing Rule Sets in your prompts, you can ensure consistent coding style across your project without having to specify these details in every prompt.

11. Provide Context on Project Structure

For larger projects, giving the AI an understanding of your project structure can lead to more integrated and useful code suggestions.


In a Django project with the following structure:

├── myproject/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── myapp/

Create a new view in myapp/ to display a list of all users, and update the file to include this new view.

12. Ask for Explanations

If you’re using Parrot, documentation and example usage are generated for you, automatically.

Sometimes, understanding the rationale behind generated code can be as valuable as the code itself. Don’t hesitate to ask for explanations.


Implement a quicksort algorithm in Java. After the implementation, please explain the choice of pivot selection and its impact on the algorithm's performance.

13. Iterate and Refine

Remember that crafting the perfect prompt often involves iteration. If the initial results aren’t quite what you need, refine your prompt based on the output you receive.


Initial prompt:

Create a function to parse a JSON string.

Refined prompt after initial output:

The previous function works well for valid JSON, but I need to handle invalid inputs too. Please modify the JSON parsing function to include error handling for malformed JSON strings. It should return null and log an error message if the input is invalid.

14. Specify Output Format

When you need code in a specific format, such as a complete file, a function body, or just a code snippet, make this clear in your prompt.


Generate a complete Python script file that implements a basic TCP server. Include the shebang line, any necessary imports, and a main function that runs when the script is executed directly.

15. Use Clear and Consistent Terminology

Stick to widely accepted programming terms and be consistent in your use of terminology throughout the prompt.


Implement a doubly linked list in C++ with the following methods:

1. insertAtHead
2. insertAtTail
3. deleteNode
4. search
5. printList

Ensure that the list maintains both 'next' and 'prev' pointers for each node.


Mastering the art of writing quality prompts for code generation can significantly enhance your productivity as a developer. By following these guidelines and leveraging Parrot’s powerful features like Rule Sets, you can create a smoother, more efficient coding experience.

Remember, the key to success lies in clarity, specificity, and providing context. As you practice crafting prompts, you’ll develop an intuition for what works best in different scenarios. Don’t be afraid to experiment and refine your approach over time.

By investing in your prompt-writing skills, you’re not just improving your interaction with AI coding assistants – you’re also honing your ability to think critically about programming problems and communicate technical concepts clearly. These are invaluable skills in any developer’s toolkit.

Start applying these techniques in your daily coding tasks with Parrot, and watch as your productivity and code quality soar to new heights. Happy coding!

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