Projects in Parrot are a simple way to organize your snippets and invite your team to collaborate on snippets.

To create a new project, head over to the projects page and click “Create a New Project.”

Create a Project

Once created, your project will be available when creating a new snippet or editing an existing one.

If you click on a project in the list on the projects page, it will show you all of the snippets for that project.

Inviting Team Members

If you have a team-level subscription to Parrot (Soar or Flock), you can invite team members to join your project and access all of the snippets for that project.

Manage Team Dropdown

Once you’ve created your project, click the gear icon on the far right side of your project in the projects list and from the dropdown, select “Manage Team.”

Manage Team Modal

This will reveal the “Manage Project Team” modal where you can search for existing Parrot users to add to your project. Type in the display name or username of a Github user who’s signed up for Parrot and click on their name in the results list to add them to the project.

Once added, team members will be able to:

  • See all of the existing snippets in that project.
  • Create new snippets for your project.
  • Use your account’s (as the project owner) generation tokens.

If you’d like to remove a team member later, just click the “Remove” button next to their name in the team list.